Jul 30, 2015
The ISA (International Summer Academy) was held in Munich in July, 2015. Under the direction of Professor Tomas Ruczika, there were sessions on General Dermatology, Lasers, Skin Care, and Esthetics. Attended by Dermatologists from all over the globe. Dr. Martin Kassir had the privelege of being the only male dermatologist to present in the Women's Dermatological Society (WDS) Session Chaired by Drs. Dedee Murrel of Australia and Wendy Roberts of the United States. Dr. Kassir's lecture was titled "Maintaining The Best Face", and was a review of all non-invasive procedures to help maintain a youthful appearance. Dr. Kassir reviewed Botox and Dysport injections, injectable fillers, lasers for skin rejuvenation, Radiofrequency (RF) procedures for facial wrinkles, microneedling, and skin care. The lectures were followed by a very interactive Q/A session and resulted in more global membership for the WDS!
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